General Token & Presale Info

Total Supply 2,200,000,000
Total Raise $14,995,750
Network Ethereum
% Sold in Presale 35.00%
Tokens sold 770,000,000
Market Cap $2,200,000,000
Start Date 04/04/2024

Tokenomics Allocation

Fund % of Supply Tokens
Presale 35.00% 770,000,000
Staking 20.00% 440,000,000
Project Funds 10.00% 220,000,000
Liquidity 10.00% 220,000,000
Marketing 20.00% 440,000,000
Rootin' Tootin' Shooter Fund 5.00% 110,000,000

Presale Stages

Stage Token Price Percentage Amount of Tokens Total Tokens USD Value Stage End Date
1 $0.018600 5.00% 38,500,000 38,500,000 $716,100 15/04/2024
2 $0.018700 5.00% 38,500,000 77,000,000 $719,950 25/04/2024
3 $0.018800 5.00% 38,500,000 115,500,000 $723,800 05/05/2024
4 $0.018900 5.00% 38,500,000 154,000,000 $727,650 15/05/2024
5 $0.019000 5.00% 38,500,000 192,500,000 $731,500 25/05/2024
6 $0.019100 5.00% 38,500,000 231,000,000 $735,350 04/06/2024
7 $0.019200 5.00% 38,500,000 269,500,000 $739,200 14/06/2024
8 $0.019300 5.00% 38,500,000 308,000,000 $743,050 24/06/2024
9 $0.019400 5.00% 38,500,000 346,500,000 $746,900 04/07/2024
10 $0.019500 5.00% 38,500,000 385,000,000 $750,750 14/07/2024
11 $0.019600 5.00% 38,500,000 423,500,000 $754,600 24/07/2024
12 $0.019700 5.00% 38,500,000 462,000,000 $758,450 03/08/2024
13 $0.019800 5.00% 38,500,000 500,500,000 $762,300 13/08/2024
14 $0.019900 5.00% 38,500,000 539,000,000 $766,150 23/08/2024
15 (oversale) $0.020000 30.00% 231,000,000 770,000,000 $4,620,000


Staking % of Supply Tokens
Year 1 15.00% 330,000,000
Year 2 5.00% 110,000,000